Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Pre-Production/Production

First off a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have donated. It helped fund this film and future films to come. So in a sense you are all Executive Producers on this film.
About 2 years ago I had this idea for a film that I wanted to make about a guy who worked at blockbuster and finds out he is dying. Since he has done nothing with his life he deciedes since he has seen every heist film that he can rob a bank.
Than six months ago I wrote the script in a screen writing class I was in and the students loved it. So much so that I found my co-director Boston McConnehey and locations/2 Assistant director Spencer Scanlon to help out. And I set on getting the script ready to shoot. Doing re-write after re-write after re-write. Boston was an amazing help at this stage because he brought things to the script that I hadn't even thought of. It was awesome.
Than came crunch time. Two weeks before we shoot and I had so much to get ready. I tried to find someone to help produce but failed on finding anyone. Therefore, I produced it. Not a good idea and not one I ever want to repeat again. The locations were crazy. A Bank, a video store, and a Jail to name a few.
The bank was going to be the hardest to find because we needed to find one that had a working vault and would let us rob it. Ha! Impossible. Well not if you find one that has closed down recently which we were able to do. After about a month of call them I finally got through and they said yes. Amazing. After the bank the rest of the locations seemed like a cake walk.
Here is a picture of us in the Hollywood video store. It was closed down so the city let us use it for free. We just had to bring in all the dvd's to fill the shelves.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Four Days of Shooting

Hey Ya'll
I just finished shooting the biggest project to date. It was super intense and really fun. Stay tuned for the trailer. Thank you for everyone that has donated thus far it has been awesome. The film is one I wrote produced shot and directed.